Own A Freehold 5 Star Hotel In Grand Ion Majestic Genting Highlands
With Guaranteed Rental Return

High Occupancy Rate 入住率: Constantly achieved occupancy rate more than 90% for the past 5 years. Occupancy rate by Resort World Genting was 91% in year 2014, 90% in 2015, 93% in 2016, 95% in 2017, 96% in Q1 2018.
High total amount of visitors: Total visitors are 23.6 Million in 2017, listed in the annual report of Genting
旅客总量很高:2017年总旅客指数量为2千3百万人, 预计2020年人数达3千万人.
Large demand for hotel rooms:10,466 rooms available in Genting Highland with average daily visitors are 50,000.

Top Hotel Facilities
Luxury hotel facilities are mainly reflected in improving the quality, comfort and convenience of the accommodation experience. It not only provides material enjoyment, but also gives guests a profound experience at the spiritual and emotional level, greatly improving the quality of travel or residence.

Fully Furnished Unit Layout
The hotel's room design pursues luxury and comfort. Each room is a carefully created private space, allowing guests to enjoy supreme comfort and convenience. The unit built-up areas range from 320 sqft to 1,500 sqft.
Units available are:
One Bedroom unit with one bathroom
Two bedrooms unit with one bathroom or two bathrooms
Three bedrooms unit with two bathroom or three bathrooms

World Class Management
Managed by one of the world’s largest and most diverse hotel business, 5 Star world class operator Wyndham Hotel Group.
由Wyndham Hotel Group五星级酒店管理.
Comprises with more than 9,000 Hotels worldwide and approximately 728,800 rooms in 95 countries around the globe.

The Award winning Wyndham Hotels brand prides itself on providing guests with exceptional customer service, great value and the most lodging choices around the world.
屡获殊荣的 Wyndham 酒店品牌以为客人提供卓越的客户服务,物超所值以及全球最多的住宿选择而自.
Wyndham Hotel Group is one of the three principal components of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation. Wyndham Worldwide is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WYN).
由Wyndham Hotel Group是温德姆环球公司 (Wyndham Worldwide Corporation) 的三大主要组成部分之一。温德姆环球公司在纽约证券交易所上市 (NYSE: WYN).